Does your baby struggle with night waking or early rising?

Does your baby struggle with night waking or early rising?

Does your baby struggle with night waking or early rising? It could be the bedroom environment itself preventing your little one from getting the best possible sleep. It can be so hard to know if the room is too warm, too cool, too dry or too damp – your little one needs everything to be just right in order to sleep well. 

The new Glow Perfect Sleep Sensor from our friends at Glow Dreaming gives you all the information about the room environment you need to set up for a great sleep. The Perfect Sleep Sensor not only tells you the temperature and humidity in the room, but it also helps you understand if the conditions are perfect for sleep and alerts you if anything needs to be tweaked to keep your child comfy. The Perfect Sleep Sensor then goes one step further and actually tells you what TOG to dress your baby in for the best sleep tonight! 

Temperature in the room plays a huge role in settling to sleep and staying asleep. Ideally, the bedroom itself will be between 18°C - 21°C. Many baby monitors can tell the temperature in the room, but the problem can be that you need to place a monitor up high enough to get a full view inside the cot. Heat rises, so it may be warmer near the monitor than it is in the cot.  

The Glow Perfect Room Sensor can be placed at mattress-height so that you get an accurate reading of the room conditions every time. The portable Parent Screen tells you at a glance if you need to make the room cooler or warmer to keep your baby comfy, no need to go into the room to check anything. If the temperature drops below 18°C, the Parent Screen will turn blue – too cold. If the room gets warmer than 21°C then the Parent Screen will turn red – too warm. When the temperature is within the ideal range for sleep, the Parent Screen will be green – just right! 

Humidity, or the amount of moisture in the air, plays an important role in supporting easy breathing overnight, particularly for babies. Dry air can cause nasal passages to become dry and irritated, leading to congestion and difficulty breathing. Healthy humidity levels help keep nasal passages moist, making it easier for babies to breathe deeply and sleep well overnight. 

Humidity also supports easy breathing overnight by helping to prevent the buildup of bacteria and viruses in the nasal passages. When the air is dry, these germs and viruses will thrive and make us sick. However, when the air humidity is within healthy levels, viruses are more easily killed off, reducing the risk of infection and keeping your family healthy and safe. 

To help your baby sleep well overnight, it's important to maintain healthy humidity levels in the room where they sleep. The ideal range for room humidity for your little one is between 40% - 60% as their nasal passages are so narrow. As they grow this changes; the ideal room humidity for adults is between 30-50%. If you use heating or cooling, this can dry the air out below this healthy range. The Glow Perfect Sleep Sensor will tell you at a glance if the humidity in your baby’s room is within the ideal range, and be displayed on the sensor screen if the room is too dry or too damp.  

If the room is too dry, run the humidifier in your Glow Dreaming to help gently increase the humidity to promote deeper, more relaxing breathing all night long.

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